Trinity High School is a Catholic, all-boys, college preparatory high school located in St. Matthews, Kentucky, a city within Louisville Metro (consolidated city/county government). It is located in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville. The school incorporates the Catholic tradition of teaching and learning. The school campus comprises about 1,400 students. In 1992, Trinity was named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, In 1995, Trinity was accredited by the non-profit Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (now known as AdvancED).

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Trinity first opened its doors in 1953, when Archbishop John Floersh anticipated the growth of Louisville's eastern suburbs by choosing the site of Holy Trinity School, a former Roman Catholic church and grade school in St. Matthews. The school was formerly owned by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville, however Trinity is now sponsored by the Archdiocese, owned by the Trinity High School Foundation, Incorporated and governed by the Trinity High School Board, and managed and operated by the administration and faculty. The school is named after the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, which holds that God is three consubstantial persons The school was founded with the intent to eventually become self-sufficient over time. Trinity's first class graduated in 1957.
Youth Football Louisville Ky Video
On September 1, 1882, Bishop William McClosky established a new parish for the benefit of the farming community of St. Matthews. Until that time, Catholics went into the city for Mass and other liturgical services. This new parish, named Holy Trinity, was the first Catholic Church in eastern Jefferson County, and the twentieth in the area. The Church was dedicated on the 17th of December 1882. After outgrowing the first church, a second church was built. This second church was heavily damaged by fire in 1937 but was renovated and used until 1953. At that time, the parish donated its property to the Archdiocese for the purpose of establishing Trinity High School. The property also originally contained two buildings which would later be named Floersh Hall and Old Trinity Hall.. Before the school opened in the fall of 1953, Shamrock Hall and the Trinity Football Field were added to the campus, as well as a rectory for the resident priest. In 1968, the Trinity Campus was expanded to include Sheehan Hall, which is connected to the main building. This expansion greatly increased the student capacity by several hundred. Coincidentally, Old Trinity Hall and Floersh Hall together formed a 'T' shape when the school was first opened, however, the various additions to the main building have resulted in the 'T' being less noticeable.
In 1999, construction of the R.W. Marshall Sports Center was completed and serves as the hub for Trinity Athletics. In 2001, Alumni Hall was added to the main building, which serves as the school's cafeteria and administrative hub, as well as hosting the Trinity Campus Store. The Trinity Campus expanded again in 2004 to include the third expansion to the main building, Duerr Hall.
In November of 2004, it was announced that Trinity would be razing its athletic stadium to build a brand new one at the end of the season. The R.W. Marshall Stadium was constructed between December 2004 and May 2005, at a cost of $3 million (equivalent to $3.68 million in 2016)
Other buildings which are found on the Trinity Campus include the Communication Arts Center and the Trinity Theatre. The school also has a large number of specialized facilities including: a chapel; a library media center (which was renovated in 2016); eight computer labs; eight science labs; a television studio; a 300 seat auditorium; an arts complex with specialized studios, workrooms, music rooms, and journalism production rooms,; a campus bookstore; and a large convocation hall.
Athletics Facilities
Marshall Stadium
Home to Trinity's P.E. classes, football, lacrosse and soccer teams, Trinity's onsite athletic venue is named in recognition of the Marshall Family Foundation, begun by the late R.W. "Buck" Marshall. Harry Jansing Field is named after the late Fr. Harry Jansing, who served as athletic director at the school for 20 years. The stadium was built in 2004-05 and contains home and visitor stand which are 100 percent handicap accessible. In 2013, the stadium underwent major renovations, in which the original surface was replaced with state-of-the-art turf. New lights, scoreboard, and sound systems were installed. The number of restrooms was increased, The concession stand was enlarged. The renovations also included more parking, entrances, sidewalks, fencing, and landscaping. The stadium, designed by the Dant Clayton Corporation, features synthetic turf, concession areas on both sides of the stadium, seats for nearly 4,000 visitors, press boxes for both the home and away teams and two luxury boxes. The stadium has also hosted lacrosse matches, soccer games, and youth football city championship games.
R.W. Marshall Center
Opened in November 1999, the Marshall Center is named for St. Matthews businessman R.W. Marshall. The facility was one of four campus additions during 1999-2003, a period that saw the largest expansion of Trinity's campus facilities since its founding in 1953.
At 26,000 total square feet, it is one of the largest such facilities in the U.S. The facility is Home to Trinity's Sports Medicine Department, and the Headquarters for Trinity Football. The facility possesses a weightlifting room and the second-floor houses Trinity's wrestling room. The facility is also staffed year-round by a full-time strength & conditioning coach. The facility is also utilized by Trinity's 'Advanced Physical Conditioning' and 'High School Health' classes.
Steinhauser Gym
Trinity's main gym, known as Steinhauser Gym and located along Shelbyville Road, was completed in 1968. Today, it is home to Trinity's basketball team. The stadium contains seating for about 2,000 guests. The gymnasium was completely renovated during the summer of 2001, and a new floor was added in 2009. The layout of the floor is unique and seldom used for high school gymnasiums in the United States. Trinity's floor uses a design called the "Boston Square." This is named for the unique parquet floor known as the court design for the Boston Celtics. The gym is also utilized by Trinity's PE classes.
Shamrock Hall
Trinity's second gym, known as Shamrock Gym, was constructed in 2000. At 16,500 square feet, the facility serves as the Home to Trinity's Health & Physical Education Department. The building contains offices for volleyball, basketball, soccer and other sports coaches. The building also contains two classrooms and a conference room and the facility serves as the home to Trinity's intramural program. The gym is also utilized by Trinity's PE classes.
Other Venues
The Trinity Baseball Team is based out of Thurman-Hutchins Park. Tom Sawyer State Park serves as the home of the Trinity Cross-Country Team. Ten Pin Lanes serves as the home of Trinity's Bowling Team. Top Gun Tennis Academy serves as the home of Trinity's Tennis Team, with seven courts built specifically for the Tennis Rocks.
Two blocks away from the Trinity campus, at 156-240 Sears Avenue, Trinity High School owns two adjacent private football fields for the team's practice. These fields are affectionately referred to as "The Oasis" by the players and coaches.

Student Body
In 2015, it was reported that the ethnic makeup of Trinity's student body was classified by the United States Department of Education as being 'overwhelmingly white,' with 7.7% of students being African American. Other minorities include Asians (0.7%), Hispanic (1.3%), and students identifying as mixed race (4.7%). All minority students make up a combined 11.2% of the student body.
The House System
In the Fall of 2001, Trinity High School became the only school in Louisville to offer a House System. Common in European schools, the system, "places students into smaller communities to increase opportunities for student leadership and adult mentoring", said Dan Zoeller, Trinity's Principal.
There are 10 Houses of approximately 130-140 students who remain in the same House for their full four years. Named after famous Catholic saints, thinkers, and writers, the Houses comprise freshmen through seniors. Throughout the year, Houses compete in a variety of contests and competitions to encourage unity and school pride. Each House has its own motto, mascot, colors, banner and student-designed T-shirt. The House System also encompasses student government at Trinity. There are nine student representatives for each House - three seniors, and two each from the junior, sophomore and freshman classes. Together, they form a student government comprising 90 students who are elected by peers to serve each year.
The House Cup
Every year since 2002, the students of the Houses compete for what is known as the "House Cup." The winner of the house cup is determined by the Trinity Board who select from a group of finalists. Five houses are selected each year to be finalists. The first four finalists are selected from the Houses that win the most points in each of the four quarters of the school year. The fifth finalist is selected from the house that wins the most points over the course of "Pride Week," which is the school week leading up to the Trinity, St. X freshman football game.
Once the finalists are selected, in early May, the House captains come before the Trinity Board and each House gives a presentation as to why their house should receive the cup. The results are announced by the end of the school year. Students of the winning house get a day off from school, as well as other perks and benefits.
Below is a list of every House Cup Champion:
Advising Period
Within his normal class schedule, a student has an Advising period on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. This period has been designated as a time in which students may make individual use of the varied services and programs offered by Trinity High School. During this period, students hear school announcements and House news. Students may leave their classrooms and move to such resource areas as the library, the computer lab, and the art studios. In addition, administrative and counseling staff may schedule necessary conferences, thus minimizing the impact such meetings have upon the normal academic class time. Students choosing not to exercise any of the above options are provided with a study environment under direct teacher supervision, allowing for the completion of homework, missed assignments due to illness, etc. With appropriate approval, students may also opt to work during an Advising period as a computer, video production, library or teacher assistant.
Block Scheduling
Trinity High School, along with Sacred Heart, Assumption, Manual, and Male, utilize a form of class scheduling known as "Block Scheduling."
Block Scheduling is a type of academic scheduling in which each student has fewer classes per day. Each class is scheduled for a longer period of time than normal (e.g. 75 minutes instead of 50). Blocks offer more concentrated experiences of subjects, with fewer classes daily. There may be less regular amounts of homework for any given class.
Trinity utilizes a method called 4×4 block scheduling, which splits the academic year into semesters, and uses a four-period day. This leaves eight slots available for classes during a semester (four classes in each of two quarters). The 4×4 method is somewhat more flexible in that students can take two sequential classes (such as Algebra 1 and 2) in the same year (in different semesters), which would not be possible on a traditional schedule. This also allows students in their senior year to fail a first-semester class but repeat it in the second semester in order to graduate.
There are some advantages that have been observed in high schools using block scheduling, including:
- Fewer failing grades
- Less time lost in the halls between classes
- More time for student-teacher interaction
- Less stress
- More time for labs and advanced topics with motivated students
- More time for teacher planning
- More time for off-site work experiences for school-to-work programs
- Reduced dropout rates
In 1998, the College Board conducted a study on the effectiveness of block scheduling in High Schools in raising ACT scores. The report found that 4 x 4 block scheduling resulted in higher cross subject achievement than traditional schedules. However, the report also found the outcome average cross-subject achievement could conceal worsening performance in some subjects and better performance in others.
Trinity has compensated for this by making AP courses last for the entire school year, providing essentially double the instruction time of normal classes. Normally, this would result in a dramatic reduction in the number of courses a student can take, however, Trinity allows students to take AP courses in place of their normal required courses (e.g. taking AP Calculus in place of Algebra II).
Some critics believe that certain subjects suffer from a lack of daily exposure to subject matter and practice that occurs with an A/B block schedule. Courses like mathematics, foreign languages, and music may benefit from daily practice and suffer from a lack thereof. Block scheduling can result in gaps of a day or days where students are receiving no reinforcement of instruction in a specific subject like math or history, and critics say this results in retention problems and the need for more remedial review. A University of Virginia study of 8,000 college students found that students who had block scheduling in high school performed worse in college science courses. Trinity has countered this by utilizing an online website known as 'Rockspace.' Developed by the school, on 'Rockspace,' teachers can post online assignments for the students to complete outside of the classroom. Teachers will also post worksheets on 'Rockspace' for students to print out and complete at home, then turn in during class.
Another common criticism of Block Scheduling is that teenagers are unable to sit still for the entire class period, thus offsetting the benefits additional class time may provide. A study conducted by Dickson et al. (2010) at the EPPI-Centre, thoroughly debunked this claim, stating ...[our] findings do not indicate that participating in block schedules [produces] negative outcomes for pupils across subjects.

Fine Arts and Humanities Department
Trinity's Fine Arts and Humanities Department requires all students must take one full year of arts and humanities classes. This year can be obtained by taking one full year course or two semester-long courses. With the school offering nearly forty classes across a large variety of fine arts, class sizes for the fine arts courses are some of the lowest in the school. Some of the courses on offer include: Freshman Guitar, Art I,II,III,& IV, Claymaking, Studio Art, Graphic Design, Learning to Draw, Drama, Stagecraft, Film Study, Art History I and II, Band, Chorus, Video Production, Journalism, Photojournalism, Broadcast Journalism, Producing Live Television, Architecture, Acting, and Culinary Arts.
Department of Theatre
The Theatre department was founded in 1967 by Fr. Theodore Sans as a subdepartment within Trinity's Department of Fine Arts and Humanities. First producing the musical Oh, Susannah! In 1985, Greg Sysol, who started as House Manager in 1980, succeeded Fr. Sans over as the theater's producer for My Three Angels. Sysol has been producer ever since, except for a brief hiatus from the fall of 2003 to his return in the fall of 2007 for Frankenstein. He also served as resident scenic and lighting designer, and occasionally as Technical Director since 1994. He was succeeded by G.E. Simmons Falk, following his retirement from the theater in the spring of 2010 after producing his last show, South Pacific.
Each year, the department produces one fall play and one spring musical. Both the cast and crew are made up of students from various local Catholic high schools who voluntarily participate. Adults work in supervisory, training and scriptwriting roles within the productions. Participation in the Theatre program allows students at Trinity to earn academic credits which can be used towards graduation. The Trinity Auditorium was finished in 1979, and opened with the gala performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Trinity Music Production
Scott Ross is the choir director, band director/teacher and also teaches guitar, handbell ensemble and is the director of Trinity's A Capella Club. Trinity Choir is a co-curricular class. The class meets during the day for credit and performs outside of class for school, community and regional events. They also compete at the District, State and National levels in sanctioned festivals. Admittance requires instructor approval. The Men's Chorus won at a national music competition in Disney World in 2001.
The Trinity Jazz Band is a co-curricular class. The band meets every day during school as a class for credit and also performs outside of class time for school, community, and regional events. Jazz Band is an advanced class for sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have completed at least two years of formal instrumental music classes. Students must audition for entrance into the class. The class includes small and large ensemble playing. Also covered are improvisation and listening skills in many styles of music: Swing, Rock, Latin, and Fusion, among others. The Jazz Band performs twice annually, along with the Trinity Singers.
Chess Team
Overseen by Coach Josh Kusch, The Trinity Chess Club participates in the Jefferson County Public Schools chess league. The league competes October through January, with a tournament at the end of the season. Trinity also competes in the Kentucky Chess Association's Scholastic Chess Tournament during the winter months. Trinity hosted the State Scholastic Tournament in 2005 and 2013. The Chess Rocks placed second in the state overall in 2005, 2011 and 2013. Additionally, John Ruhl '06 and Joel Lowery '08 were individual state champions for their grade levels. The team of Ruhl '06, Lowery '08, and Jamie Harris '08 competed at the highest level in the Louisville city league and the State Chess Championships, often placing second to Dupont Manual High School. Chess Team members are required to join the US Chess Federation.
Trinity Television
Trinity Television, or TTV, is a news program broadcast to the entire student body of Trinity High School. The program is used to convey current local and national news, as well as school announcements. The program is produced in-house completely by students in the broadcast journalism class. Through the elective courses, students learn the basics of video production, including on-location recording, as well as linear and non-linear editing.
Once a month, Trinity's Comedy club produces a program known as "The Sham," which is broadcast after TTV on one Thursday during the month.
Busisness and Technology Department
Overseen by IT Director Kevin Wangler, Trinity High School has an expansive and comprehensive technology department that makes use of the seven computer labs located around the campus. With over twenty different courses in various aspects of Business and technology, the Trinity IT department also oversees the Student Wi-Fi network and teaches students the various aspects of computers and computer programming. Some of the courses on offer include: Basic & Advanced Programming Courses, Principles of Accounting, Robotics, AP Economics, Business Law, Money Management, Entrepreneurship Studies, Basic and Advanced Website Design, Mobile Game Development, and IT Maintenance.
Cisco Certification Courses
In addition to other technology course, Trinity partners with Cisco Systems and Jefferson Community and Technical College to offer courses in computer networking. Taught by Trinity's Network Administrator Allen Hornung, The Cisco Networking Academy Program is a complete, four-semester program based on the principles and practice of designing, building and maintaining networks capable of supporting national and global organizations.
The Networking Academy Program is localized to individual needs of high schools and colleges, and features hands-on, project-driven training in high-demand job skills. Students may take just one semester or opt to go through two-, three- or the entire four-semester sequence. Students completing all four semesters should be prepared to take the exams to receive the Cisco Certified Networking Associate (CCNA).
Bring your own Device (BYOD) policy
Trinity is among several schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville to possess a "Bring your own device policy". This policy allows students to bring whatever tablet or electronic device that best fits their style of learning and note-taking. Students are able to access the Internet through these devices using a school-wide "Student Wireless" Wi-Fi network.
English Department
Students at Trinity are required to take four full years of English Courses. Students will take three, year-long English courses over the course of their freshman, sophomore, and junior years at the school. For their senior year, students have the option of either taking one, full-year English course, or two, semester-long courses to obtain their fourth English credit required for graduation. At some point during their four years, students must also take a semester-long course in either Speech and Debate, or Communication Skills, in addition to their normal English class. Trinity's English Department offers over twenty classes in various fields of study. Some of the courses on offer include: English I, II, III, IV, American Literature, English (British) Literature, Argumentation and Debate, Creative Non-fiction, Science Fiction, Minority Voices, Journalism, Modern Poetry, World Literature, Writing for Publication, and Language Arts.
Speech and Debate
Moderated by English teacher Amy Zuccaro, the Trinity Speech and Debate Team competes in various City, State, and National speech tournaments. Over the Team's history, several Trinity students have ranked in the top ten students in the Nation. In 2017, Trinity hosted the National Catholic Forensic League's Grand National Tournament, a nationally recognized Speech and Debate Tournament.
World Languages Department
Students at Trinity must take at least two years of foreign language courses. Students have the option of choosing between: Spanish, French, German, and Chinese. Each language course has its own extracurricular club that is dedicated to teaching students about the cultures of those who speak the respective language. Despite the language not being taught at the school, Trinity also possesses a Japanese Club, which is dedicated to teaching students about the History, language, food, people, and culture of Japan.
French Scrabble
Instead of a French Club, Trinity instead has a French Scrabble team. Coached by French teacher Alan Wilson, the team plays other local high schools (including rivals St. X and Male) in games and tournaments of French Scrabble on a citywide level. As of 2016, Trinity's French Scrabble team has won the city championships over twenty times. The tournaments are organized by the schools themselves and are not recognized by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.
Argentine Exchange Program
Each year Trinity participates in student exchanges with a school in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A group of students from Argentina visit Trinity for a month, and Trinity students visit Argentina in June. While on the exchange, students attend classes, live with a host family and visit cultural sites of interest. Trinity students are eligible for academic credit for their time in Argentina. The exchange aims to broaden the student's cultural awareness and Spanish language skills.
Mathematics Department
Students at Trinity must take 4 full years of Mathematics courses. The Trinity Mathematics Department offers twenty-five different courses covering numerous fields of Mathematics. Some of the courses on offer include: Algebra I, Algebra II, The History of Mathematics, AP Calculus, Trigonometry, Geometry, Probability and Statistics, and AP Statistics.
Trinity Math Team
Overseen by Math teacher Jason Rand, the Trinity Math Team competes in a variety of Math related competitions. The first is the U.S. national competition in February and March. The second is the Louisville High School Mathematics League, consisting of 28 high schools. Competitions for this league take place in October, November, February and March. Trinity has finished in the top four places in the Louisville High School Math League for the past nine years.
Mu Alpha Theta
Mu Alpha Theta is a national honor society for mathematics. Students who have completed the equivalent of high school level geometry, are currently enrolled in math class, and have a math GPA of 3.0 or higher in Advanced and/or Honors level Math courses are eligible to apply for membership. The chapter participates in an international competition over the span of six months and provides math tutoring to local students and TPASS(Trinity's Path to Academic Success for Students). Trinity's delegation to Mu Alpha Theta is overseen by Trinity teacher Peter Dhiel.
Future Business Leaders of America
Overseen by Trinity Teacher Sr. Kathy Cash, The Future Business Leaders of America involves students who have taken or are taking Economics or Business classes at Trinity. FBLA members compete in various regional and statewide competition in areas such as Accounting, Finance, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics.
Science Department
Students at Trinity must take 4 full years of Science courses. The Trinity Science Department offers over twenty different courses covering numerous fields of scientific study. Some of the courses on offer include: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Aerospace Science, Geology, Forensics, Space Science, Environmental Science, and Anatomy and Physiology.
Costa Rica Research Trip
Every year, Trinity students embark on a 10-day Science Research Trip to the rain forests and dry forests of Costa Rica. Students work as individuals or as teams on research projects they have chosen. The trip is sponsored by the charity Seeds of Change, the University of Wisconsin and the University of Costa Rica. Students experience rainforest, dry forest and beach ecosystems. The students are taught by professors from the University of Costa Rica, and receive hands-on instruction, planned and organized research projects, and performed statistical analysis of the data they collected.
ACE Mentoring Program
Overseen by Dr. Joseph Chittissery Mathai, the Trinity ACE Mentoring Program is a part of the nationwide program designed to introduce students to a wide range of careers in Architecture, Construction, Engineering, and related areas of building design and the construction industry. At weekly meetings, student teams work directly with professionals from leading area firms, who volunteer their time to mentor the teams as they design hypothetical projects, tour local construction sites, and visit architectural, engineering and construction offices.
Social Studies Department
Students at Trinity must take 4 full years of Social Studies courses. Overseen by Department Head Keith Rapp, the Trinity Social Studies Department offers over twenty different courses covering numerous fields of social studies. Some of the courses on offer include: Sociology, World History, Psychology, American Civics, Human Geography, European History, United States History, American Civil War, AP Government and Politics, and African-American history.
Trinity BETA Club
The National BETA Club is a leadership-service organization for high school students. The BETA Club is open to current Trinity freshmen, sophomores or juniors who meet the Club requirements of a 3.3-GPA. Beta Club members are expected to maintain a high academic standard and agree to complete 20 hours of community service. Membership applications are taken in May for the following school year. Induction into the club occurs during the Shamrock Awards Dinner each September at the beginning of Pride Week. Trinity's Chapter of the BETA Club is overseen by teachers Jeffrey Becker and Betsy Darby.
Governor's Cup Team
Overseen by Trinity teacher Mark Amick, the Trinity Governor's Cup Team competes against nearly 1,200 schools and over 20,000 students on a yearly basis.
The Governor's Cup was founded in 1986 as a way to promote, reward and recognize outstanding academic achievement. Since then, over a quarter of a million students have taken part in the event. The Governor's Cup consists of eight events:
- Five Written Assessment Examinations-in Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts and Arts/Humanities
- Composition- On-Demand Writing
- Quick Recall
- Future Problem Solving-an award-winning creative thinking competition
Holocaust Memorial Tour
Every three years, Trinity students go on a tour of various Holocaust memorial sites across Eastern Europe. The tour gives students the opportunity to explore Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Krakow, Nuremberg and Munich as part of 13-day trek across Eastern Europe. Trip highlights include tours of the Reichstag building in Berlin, Auschwitz and Birkenau, Nuremberg's Justice Palace, and Dachau as well as a trek up the Alps to experience "Kehlsteinhaus" ("Hitler's Eagle's Nest").
The Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA) is a three-day student-run model of the Kentucky General Assembly each November during which students debate self-authored bills. On the second day of the conference, students travel to Frankfort to debate in the Kentucky State Capitol building where the most successful bills have a chance of passing the Kentucky General Assembly and being signed into law. The remainder of the conference is held at Executive West Hotel in Louisville. The Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA) is a three-day experience in diplomacy that provides students with a greater appreciation for the global community and hands-on involvement with international issues and solutions. It is also held at Executive West Hotel in Louisville during March. Trinity's delegation to both events is overseen by Trinity teachers Walter Mata and Maria Martin.
Quick Recall Team
Overseen by teacher Mark Amick, the Trinity Quick Recall Team participates in the Louisville Non-Public School League against other private schools such as St. X, Collegiate, KCD, Sacred Heart and Assumption. The season runs from October to January and culminates with a league tournament.
Theology Department
The theology program is composed of seven core semester-length subject themes and one elective subject theme. The courses are designed systematically, with each course designed to build on the foundation established by preceding courses. The Trinity Theology Department offers nearly a dozen different courses revolving around Catholic Morality, Catholic Social Teaching, and History of the Catholic Church, among others.
Every year, Trinity students are required to go on a faith-based retreat of increasing length. The freshman retreat lasts half a school day, the sophomore and junior retreats last for an entire school day, and the senior retreat lasts for three full days.
Yearly Service Hours
Each Trinity student is required to complete fifteen hours of community service each year as part of their required theology classes. The service must conform to the Corporal Works of Mercy or the Spiritual Works of Mercy to be considered valid. In the 2016-2017 school year, Trinity expanded their definition to include the category of 'Care for the Environment.'
Advanced Placement Courses
All Trinity students are allowed to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Following guidelines established by the College Board, these courses provide students with an accelerated and in-depth examination of the subject area at a collegiate level. Students enrolled in such courses are given the opportunity to sit for the Advanced Placement Examinations offered each spring. There are more than 3,800 universities and colleges nationwide giving college credit and/or sophomore placement for sufficiently high scores. There is a fee for each AP examination. the number of AP exams taken at Trinity High School per year has varied with an average of 436 per year from 2011-15. The number of tests have risen steadily from 296 in 2011 to 593 in 2015. The average AP exam score from 2011-2015 for Trinity was 3.1, higher than the national AP mean score and state AP mean score that were 2.82 and 2.60 respectively. The Advanced Placement courses offered by Trinity High school for the 2017-2018 school year are as follows:
Academic levels
Upon admittance to the school, students are given an academic level based on their proficiency in various subjects. These levels are:
- Traditional I- For students who have learning difficulties.
- Traditional II-For Students with learning disabilities.
- Academic- For mid-level students.
- Honors- For above average students.
- Advanced- For gifted and accelerated students.
- AP (College Credit Courses)
Trinity refers to their system of academic levels as a "model for the nation."

Overseen by Athletics Director Robert Saxton, The Trinity Athletics Department participates in 14 different KHSAA sanctioned sports and KSHAA sports activities. Trinity also participates in five different club sports.
Overseen by Head Coach Bob Beatty, Trinity Shamrocks football program is one of the most successful programs in Kentucky. The team, which annually boasts a roster of nearly 100 student-athletes, is also one of the largest and most storied programs in the state's history. The 24 state championships are the most in the Kentucky High School Athletic Association's history and the program's 600-plus wins put them among the top programs statewide, despite only maintaining a program for 58 years (less than half the years of leader Louisville Male High School's time).
The program has eight undefeated seasons, a state record 50-game winning streak from 1988 to 1991, and four Mr. Kentucky Football award winners in Keith Calvin (1973), Jeff Brohm (1989), brother Brian Brohm (2003), and James Quick (2012). The team has also won three consecutive titles on three separate occasions, first in 1988 to 1990, then again in 2001 to 2003 and then four consecutive seasons from 2005 to 2008. Trinity plays their home games on Father Harry Jansing Field in R.W. Marshall Stadium.
On December 8, 2007, Trinity sealed the first-ever 6A championship under the newly established class system that implemented six classes instead of the previous four. Trinity has now won a title in each of the 3A, 4A and 6A classifications, with the most recent coming in December 2010. Success in 2010 and 2011 saw Trinity finish within the top 15 in national polls for the first time in consecutive seasons. At the end of the 2011 season, the Shamrocks were named "National Champions" by Rivals.com and Sports Illustrated, among others. Later that year, Head Football Coach Bob Beatty was voted the 2011 USA Today Coach of the Year
In December of 2016, Trinity defeated Lafayette High School 56-21, giving Trinity their 24th State Football Title. The game made Trinity the most successful high school football team in the state's history. It also made Trinity's Head Football coach Bob Beatty the most successful High School Football Coach in Kentucky state history.
In 2017, Trinity was recognized as a part of the MaxPreps Football Tour of Champions, which aims to recognize the best High School football teams in the United States. After the ceremony, Head Coach Bob Beatty stated: "Any time you are recognized by a group (MaxPreps) that represents your profession it's like you belong among the very best. This means a lot to us. MaxPreps is very important in the world of high school football and to be selected to the Tour of Champions means you're good,"
As of September 2017, the Trinity varsity football team holds the largest continuous winning streak in Kentucky high school football history, at twenty-three consecutive wins.
Since 2013, Trinity's Football and Basketball games have been broadcast live on the Louisville Catholic Sports Network (970AM).
State championships
Below is a year-by-year breakdown of every Trinity High School state championship.
Rivalry with St. Xavier High School
The rivalry between 'Trinity High School and St. Xavier dates back to 1956, where every year, Trinity and St. X meet at the University of Louisville's Papa John's Cardinal Stadium for the annual regular season rivalry. The game is the most-attended annual regular-season high school football game in the country, typically drawing over 35,000 fans. For the 2004 game, attendance was announced at 37,500 people. The largest recorded crowd was in 2008, with over 38,000 guests, ~6% of Louisville's population at the time. The game is also broadcast live on local TV station WAVE3. The week leading up to the game is designated "Pride Week," and various intermural school athletic and academic events are held to build hype for the event. Currently, Trinity leads St. X in the number of games won, with the current score being 41-37, with two games having ended in a tie.
Trinity has met the Shamrocks in the title game five times, with Trinity holding a 3-2 advantage in those contests. In 2008, NFL Films produced a documentary about the rivalry that was nationally broadcast on CBS on Thanksgiving Day. The rivalry between the two powers also often extends into the playoffs. After losing the regular season game 48-16 in September 2005, Trinity defeated St. Xavier in the Class 4A state championship 14-6 in December. It was the school's then-state record 16th football title.
"Great American Rivalry" Series
Since 2013, the annual Trinity-St. X game is featured in the Great American Rivalry Series. The series is dedicated to featuring the greatest high school football rivalries in the United States and bringing them to the national spotlight. At the end of each game, the winning team is presented with the 'Great American Rivalry' trophy, and one player is deemed the MVP, and is presented with a corresponding trophy. As of 2017, Trinity holds a 4-1 advantage in the games featured on the series.
Below is a year-by-year breakdown of the Trinity-St. X games featured on the Great American Rivalry Series.
Overseen by Head Coach Mike Szabo and established in 1954, the Trinity basketball program has gone from one of the least successful basketball programs in the state to one of the most successful. In 2004, Trinity won its first regional basketball title after beating rival Male 56-46 in the 7th region finals. By winning the regional, Trinity advanced to the state tournament for the first time in school history, losing to defending state champion Mason County in three overtimes, 66-59. The team finished the 2004-2005 season with its best record in school history, a 29-4 mark. Zach Berry, Bret Saxton, and Kyle Saxton were named Kentucky All-Stars following the season, marking the fourth, fifth and sixth players from the school to earn the honor. Ray Byron, Reid Markham and Chris McCoy were also All-Stars. In 2007, Tanner Jacobs became the seventh player to be honored.
In 2005, the Rocks won the prestigious Louisville Invitational Tournament (LIT) for the first time in school history. The team also won the Invitational Tournament in 2012. Trinity won its first KHSAA State Championship by winning the Sweet Sixteen tournament in 2012. The Rocks finished the season with a 35-3 record, and only one loss within the state of Kentucky.
Team Record
This is a compilation of Trinity high school basketball coach history.
In 2006, Trinity won the Kentucky Boy's team tennis championship . The team won the championship on total points, despite top singles player Robert Stedman losing to Eric Quigley of South Oldham High School in the finals, and top doubles team Miguel Reyes/Mike Logan losing to Dupont Manual's Stewart Koch/Victor Wong in the semifinals . This was Trinity's first championship since 1993, interrupting St. Xavier's run of winning 10 of the previous 12 championships. St. Xavier would however continue winning every state championship since, with the exception of Dupont Manual's championship in 2008.
Cross Country
Now coached by Scott Holzknecht, entering his second year of coaching, the Trinity High School cross country team is one of the premier high school cross country teams in the state of Kentucky. The previous head coach, Chad Waggoner, helped guide the team to two of the most recent state titles, in 2006 and 2010. With 18 state titles, stretching all the way back to the founding of the school, Trinity has rooted itself as a team of competitive runners. The team finished second in the state race in 2016, but will be returning 6 of the 7 state runners for the 2017 season. The team hosts it own race every year named the Trinity Invitational. Teams, ranging from grade school to high school, from across the country are invited to participate in the historic race held at E.P. Tom Sawyer Park, located in Louisville, KY. The race is considered extremely competitive due to the fact that several other state champion teams from across the country participate in the race. The race has been nicknamed "the oldest meet in Kentucky" because of the its long tradition. In 2016, the race had 4,491 participants from 8 different states competing. In 2017, the race is expected to have almost 5,000 participants from 10 states, representing 200 different schools in the four different race distances. The four race distances include either a 1k race, 2k race, 3k race, or 5k race.

Notable alumni
- Rob Bironas - former NFL kicker for Tennessee Titans (2005-2013).
- Brian Brohm - played at Louisville (2004-2007) in college, former NFL quarterback for Green Bay Packers and Buffalo Bills (2008-2010); won the 2003 Kentucky Mr. Football award.
- Jeff Brohm - head coach at Purdue, former head coach at Western Kentucky University; played at Louisville (1989-1993) in college, backup quarterback in NFL from 1994 to 2000; won the 1988 Kentucky Mr. Football award.
- Jim Ferriell - former professional golfer, ten-year stint on PGA Tour, including one victory; represented U.S. in PGA Cup matches in 1977, inducted into the Kentucky Pro Golfer's Hall of Fame.
- Carwell Gardner - former NFL running back for Baltimore Ravens, Buffalo Bills, and San Diego Chargers (1990-1997).
- Donnie Gardner - former NFL defensive end for Miami Dolphins (1991).
- John Michael Hayden - former MLS player for Houston Dynamo, played at Indiana (2002-2006) and won two NCAA Championships (2003 and 2004).
- Corey Littrell (Class of 2010) - Minor League Baseball player
- Dean May - former NFL quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles (1984)
- Trever Miller - former MLB pitcher for Houston Astros among other teams (1996-2011).
- Jimmy Osting - former MLB pitcher for Milwaukee Brewers and San Diego Padres (2001-2002).
- James Quick - wide receiver of Washington Redskins.
- Steve Raible - former NFL player (1976-1981) and current weeknight KIRO-TV news anchor and "voice of the Seattle Seahawks"; first Trinity alumnus to become professional football player.
- Mike Snyder - former Olympic bobsledder, football and strength coach; was named Athletic Coach of the Year in 2016 by National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
- Austin Warner - pitcher for St. Louis Cardinals.
Politics and law
- Greg Fischer - Mayor of Louisville since 2010.
- Bob Heleringer (Class of 1969) - former member of the Kentucky House of Representatives and Louisville lawyer
- L. J. Hollenbach, Sr. - former Jefferson County Judge/Executive, responsible for construction of Louisville's Hall of Justice; created Louisville Department of Metropolitan Corrections, the Metropolitan Narcotics Strike Force, the Office of Public Defender, and Kentucky's first Emergency Medical Service; also started nation's first Ecology Court which helped to inspire Earth Day in America and he pioneered Transit Authority of River City.
- L.J. Hollenbach, III - former Jefferson County Judge/Executive
- Todd Hollenbach (aka L.J. Hollenbach, IV) - Kentucky State Treasurer from 2008 to 2016, State 30th District Court judge since 2016; first alumnus elected to a Kentucky statewide constitutional office.
- Steve Mershon - former judge of Jefferson District Court, elected to Jefferson Circuit Court in November 1991, was serving as chief judge when he retired in June 2007; brother of Creighton Mershon.
- Judge David T. Stosberg (Class of 1964) - Kentucky Bankruptcy Court Judge, added to the Trinity Hall of Fame in 2016.
Military, law enforcement, and emergency services
- Frederick A. Fuchs - retired Captain in United States Air Force; was President of Foxfam LLC in San Francisco.
- Phil Resch - retired Naval Captain in United States Navy.
- Troy Yocum - Iraq War vet who hiked over 7,000 miles in a "Drum Hike" to draw attention to veterans' issues.
- Steve Crump - television reporter for WBTV, won regional Emmy Awards for covering Apartheid in South Africa; named 2016 Journalist of the Year by National Association of Black Journalists.
- Dan Dry - photographer for The Courier-Journal from 1976 to 1982, part of staff that won Pulitzer Prize for feature photography in 1976; was named National News Photographer of the Year in 1981 by National Press Photographers Association.
- Joe Gliessner - served on Board of Directors of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (1997-2002).
- Jack Guthrie - president of Kentucky Derby Festival (1971-1977), driving force that propelled two-week event into national prominence as one of the nation's largest civic celebrations. Founder of Guthrie/Mayes Public Relations.
- Donald C. Jones - former senior vice president of stores and operations for Gap Inc.; founder and CEO of Pogan Retail, chairman of Connecticut Retail Merchants Association Foundation, vice chairman of Petal Decorative Accents and general partner of Southridge Private Equity Fund.
- John Kleber - editor-in-chief of The Kentucky Encyclopedia and The Encyclopedia of Louisville.
- Gary J. Sullivan - engineer who led development of major international video and image coding standards including H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (recognized by a Primetime Emmy Award and a Technology and Engineering Emmy Award) and its successor, HEVC.
Source of the article : Wikipedia